Needle & Hook Sizes - Great Yarn Company

Needle & Hook Sizes

September 12, 2015

Knitting Needle and Crochet Hook Conversion Chart

This useful needle size chart compares US (Imperial), metric, and UK sizes for knitting needle and crochet hooks.

Want to determine the size of an unmarked needle or hook?  You'll need a needle gauge.  Most gauges show both US and metric sizes.  Just slip your needle or hook through the holes in the gauge -- the smallest hole it can fit into is its size.

Browse our favorite needle gauges here -- they make it easy to determine the size of your knitting needle or crochet hook.

Needle & Hook Size Chart

US Needle US Hook Metric UK 
0 2.00 mm 14
1 B-1 2.25 mm 13
2 C-2 2.75 mm 12
3.00 mm 11
3 D-3 3.25 mm 10
4 E-4 3.50 mm
5 F-5 3.75 mm 9
6 G-6 4.00 mm 8
7 7 4.50 mm 7
8 H-8 5.00 mm 6
9 I-9 5.50 mm 5
10 J-10 6.00 mm 4
10.5 K-10.5 6.50 mm 3
7.00 mm 2
7.50 mm 1
11 L 8.00 mm 0
13 M, N* 9.00 mm 00
15 N, P* 10.00 mm 000
P* 11.50 mm
17 13.00 mm 0000
19 15.00 mm 00000
Q 15.75 mm
35 S 19.00 mm
50 25.00 mm

* US manufacturers differ on these sizes.


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